To be wise is to see
I'm intrigued by the notion of seeing as a metaphor for learning and for understanding. I'm also concerned about wisdom, how we apply our knowledge, and how we make decisions. So it caught my eye when Canadian blogger Dave Pollard mentioned that the word “wise” originally meant “to see”. The Online Etymology web site reveals
“to see,” hence “to know”
(see vision)
See vision, indeed. See. Vision. Perspective. Viewpoint. Foresight. 20/20 hindsight. Insight. Take a close look. Take a closer look. Seeing is believing. Blind. Blindness. Blind spot.
Do you see what I see? Do I see what you see? How do we compare and communicate what we see?

Or, have you ever tried to help someone to see the other image? That can be frustrating, too. “Well, if you kinda squint your eyes this way and turn your do you see it?”
In a way that experience is the whole point of this blog. It's the point of my other web sites, too. Can I see what you see? Can you see what I see? How do we acknowledge and demonstrate what we see?

We have 24-hour “news” channels, and magazines and newspapers and radio stations, all to remind us that this is a vase — and only a vase. Vase, vase, vase. Wait! Breaking news! “Some nut claims to see faces in this picture. Har har har, isn't that quaint? Faces! Now back to you, Sue, with the 5-day vase forecast.”
Blindness. Blind spots. Vision. Perspective. Insight.
To see, hence, to know. To be wise is to see.
A wonderful study group that I have participated in for 20 years now began with our teacher producing exactly these two graphics. Over and over again during these two decades, we have tried to be aware of the moment when our perception of the matter we happened to be discussing reached the transitory cusp, the point where an old understanding gave way to the new, not by vanishing but by becoming an alternative interpretation.
i saw the young lady first and later with a little eye squinting i saw the older lady.
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