Most models are wrong, but some are useful
That's a paraphrase of an observation by George Box. The actual statement by Professor Box is longer and rather convoluted. Its common misquotations are actually more eloquent and rather profound.
I have used the most common phrasing, "All models are wrong, but some are useful", as a signature in my online conversations during the past couple of years.
It occurred to me that the statement itself is a sort of model, and that it should be subject to its own wisdom. An absolute assertion such as "All models" begs for a counterexample, which is exactly the sort of nitpicking that Box tried to discredit. And since it's already a misquote, I think it's within the spirit of the statement to phrase it as:
Most models are wrong, but some are useful.
I've found that statement describes a very, very useful way to think about our world. I use it daily to figure out how to fit together disparate puzzle piece ideas.
Thanks, Professor Box, for contributing such a useful model to our often puzzling world.
I was probably thinkg about models in a very different way when i first posted about them...and looking back at that post, I see I have begun to repeat myself only with footnotes this time around.
and yes, I have lived to regret "all" or gone back and changed it to "most" many times.
Lovelly post
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